
A blog about my the history, acquisition and operation of my 1911 Model 62 Stanley Steamer.

Superheater Failure!

I went to take the Stanley out for a drive yesterday but only got as far as a stop light two blocks away before encountering a major issue. I went to pull away from the light and there was a loud puff and steam actually started lifting the bonnet! I quickly came to the conclusion that a steam line had broken somewhere past the throttle assembly. The car wouldn't move under its own power anymore so I was left with no choice but to bring it home on the trailer.

 This morning I dropped the burning and found that a 2" portion of the superheater had ruptured. I'm amazed at how it tore the insulation out from around the burner pan and made a massive mess! I'm now learning that my car was missing a steam loop that would have isolated the engine movement from the superheater and that it wasn't properly secured. This type of failure was really only a matter of time...​