
A blog about my the history, acquisition and operation of my 1911 Model 62 Stanley Steamer.

1949 P.N.E Opening Day Parade

This excellent photograph from 1949 was recently added to the online portion of the Vancouver City Archives. It is a wonderful early piece of history of our Stanley. When the image is blown up you can clearly see the text written on the passenger door says "Smilin' Bens Used Cars Victoria & Nanaimo". This is the first photographic confirmation that Smilin' Ben (AKA: Dexter Lewers) did indeed use the Stanley as a promotional vehicle to advertise his car dealerships. Note the "D 71" license plate. Unfortunately I have never seen a picture Dexter Lewers so I can't confirm he is in the vehicle.

 The next vehicle in line is a 1907 Cadillac Model K being driven by Quint MacAdam. If you look closely between Quint and his wife you can see little Linda MacAdam who is now the current owner of this car. The car following closely behind them is an Oldsmobile, maybe 1905 Model N, but I'm not positive of that. It's current owner and whereabouts is unknown.

 The building in the background is almost as interesting as the cars. It is the second Hotel Vancouver and it is in the process of being demolished in this picture. A real shame if you ask me. The second Hotel Vancouver was built in 1916 by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The structure was one of the triumvirate of large, ornate buildings which anchored the center of town at Georgia and Granville streets: the Hudson Bay Store, Birks Building, and Hotel Vancouver. Only the Hudson Bay store remains of those three jewels of the city's golden age of Edwardian architecture.