
A blog about my the history, acquisition and operation of my 1911 Model 62 Stanley Steamer.

Fitting the Burner Pan

We've been busy assembling the components of the baker burner assembly. For anyone who has never undertaken the procedure it is quite involved. As mentioned previously I purchased the outer pan and inner pan w/burner grate from Alan Kelso. It was made exactly to order. To install the burner I've had to strip the insulation off of the bottom 1/2" of the boiler so that the outer burner pan will slide over it's outer diameter. Notch the outer pan for the boiler mounts, blow down valves, and super heater while being careful to maintain the orientation of burner towards the front of the car. Then cut the holes for the main fuel vaporizer, pilot assembly and peak hole. I think we're about half way through now...