Like most jobs on this vehicle the fuel pump rebuild has expanded to a general power pumps rebuild. The "H-Casting" that the power fuel pump threads into had badly damaged threads and needed to be removed to have them fixed. This in turn required me to remove both the front and rear water pumps to gain access to it.
Upon close inspection the the front water pump shaft had come loose from the "H-casting" and damaged the threads on the pump shaft and the excess movement has put some severe markings on the shaft itself. This would explain why I had a constant leaking problem that required new packing all the time. A new pump shaft will need to be made.
The rear water pump was in reasonable condition considering that its last rebuild was in the early eighties. The finish on the pump shaft was a little worn down so I decided now that it has been removed I might as well make a new one.
The pump pit will need a good clean before anything goes back in so it will easier to pinpoint leaking pumps in the future.