
A blog about my the history, acquisition and operation of my 1911 Model 62 Stanley Steamer.

Stanley Steamer Fuel Pump Rebuild : Pt. 2

 After draining and cleaning the water tanks I stripped out the rear water pump plumbing so I could remove the fuel pump from the pump pit. It came out with little fuss. Once I got it on the bench it became apparent the shaft was a total loss. There is 15 thou clearance easily and the shaft is scoured and coke bottled. The retaining nut for the outlet check ball is not a factory piece and it looks to have been some road side fix. It is also going to need to be remade. After speaking with Pat, I decided to go with 2 thou clearance between the pump shaft and the bore and to make the shaft out of steel instead of the brass that was used previously. The retainer nut for the check ball will be made out of bronze.